Many brands and companies have come to the realization that the only way to stay ahead in today’s marketing landscape is to create high quality content that is easy to share. Customers do not follow brands on social media to receive generic promotions for products and services. They follow brands because they want customized, engaging content and direct interaction with the brand. Creating stellar, sharable content enables brands to succeed at SEO while also connecting with a target audience.

The bottom line for brand publishing tips 101 is that consumers frequently publish new content more quickly than a marketing team ever can. In order to be successful, brands must learn how to blend this content and repurpose and distribute it in new, innovative places. There are a number of tools and resources to assist with this process. For example, many companies use Postano, which helps them to distribute curated social media content to websites, retail signs, event displays, mobile apps, and more.

Monitoring and aggregating

Even the most engaging brands are not likely to produce great content that consistently generates significant amounts of interaction. However, brands should still work to have as much interaction and engagement as possible. Any brand publishing tips 101 guide will tell you that one of the most effective methods for achieving this goal is monitoring and aggregating consumer opinions and then using it in your own content. Brands can take details about the products and services that their target audience finds exciting, useful, and interesting to enhance their own content and to inspire future content.

Using and distributing

Most marketing departments want to run the other way when they think about the time and money that they will have to spend to keep an engaged audience around. It is important to remember that marketers are not on their own when generating content. Organizations can look to agency and media partners, third parties, and audiences, as well as the company itself, for new brand content. For example, a brand can develop and promote a hashtag and ask an audience to tweet and Instagram relevant photos with the hashtag.

Multimedia and multichannel

It is easy to get overwhelmed by the notion of creating large quantities of written content. A key brand publishing tips 101 point is that content does not have to be text based or posted on the most obvious social media networks. For example, a brand may find it beneficial to run a largely image-based campaign solely on Pinterest, Instagram, or Tumblr. Using the most popular, cutting edge platforms to share content can help a brand stand out from Facebook or Twitter where there is more competition.