“Publish or perish” is the eternal mantra of the academic world, but it could just as accurately be applied to the world of content marketing. Companies often report that their biggest problem when it comes to content marketing is simply producing enough content. While businesses often feel that they aren’t producing enough content, in actuality  they are often unsure of how to answer the question, how much digital content is enough? The fact is that a few well-executed sets of digital content over the course of the year can be enough content for most companies, as long as that content is used for a variety of purposes.

Why It’s Important

For an anecdotal view of why producing plenty of digital content is important, one needs only to look at the most successful companies. The biggest corporations in the nation frequently release videos, interact with their customers on social media, and give updates in the form of blog posts and newsletters.

There are a few reasons that having enough digital content is essential:

  • Brand recognition
  • Building and maintaining thoughtful leadership
  • Promoting customer relations
  • Search engine optimization


How Much is Enough For You?

The fact is, there’s no single metric for determining how much digital content is enough. The answer is based on what your company needs. For example, some companies update blog posts daily, while others find that weekly is enough. The only way to find out what works best for you is by analyzing how releasing different amounts of content affects the amount of leads and sales you get.

Making the Most of What You’ve Got

If you’re struggling to create enough digital content, the best thing to do is not to think about what new content campaigns you can start, but rather to think about how you can use the same content in many different ways. For example, you can do a set of blog posts and an ebook around the same subject, repurposing much of the material you use. Similarly, you can strike conversations across social media, or use release small chunks of a bigger campaign video to the public.

This allows you to “work smarter, not harder,” to add another mantra to the mix. Consumers can recognize fluff easily, so when you focus on creating a few campaigns with plenty of content, you’ll be more successful than when you try to create large amounts of varied, less essential content.